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Revell Aqua Color - light grey, mat # 76
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Revell Aqua Color - light grey, mat # 76
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In order to satisfy the needs of every modeller, Revell has developed a brandnew paint system, offering a wealth of benefits!
Revell Aqua Color-paints in the brand-new 18-ml jars/pots are ideal for modelling:
- Paints can be thinned with water only
- Paints are mild-smelling
- Paints are non-inflammable
- Paints contain virtually no organic solvents
- 36 different colours
- Paints can be intermixed
- The paint is dry to the touch after 2 to 3 hours
- An hour after painting one colour, you can apply another over the top, i.e. six times quicker than with Email-Color paints
- After allowing the specified drying time, the new paints and the existing Email-Color paints can be easily painted one on top of the other
The paint is also suitable for airbrushing. In the process, please observe the following:
- Do not thin the paint too excessively
- Dilute with water (max. 20 to 25%). Do not use solvent-based thinners!
- Clean the spray gun with water immediately after use
- If the paint has already dried on, the spray gun can also be cleaned with Airbrush Clean
When using a paintbrush:
- The paints are ready to use and give extremely good coverage
- Exceptional results with a paintbrush
- Smooth surfaces look almost as good as when airbrushed
- End result absolutely comparable with Email-Color paints
- Notch in top rim of paint jar/pot provides a secure resting place for brush while working
- Clean brush with water immediately after use
SKU | RVLAC36176 |
Manufacturer | Revell |
EAN | 4009803361765 |
Feefo Rating | a:3:{s:6:"rating";d:4.8;s:10:"vendor_ref";s:10:"RVLAC36176";s:12:"review_count";i:77;} |
Short Description | Revell Aqua Color - light grey, mat # 76 |
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